alaihiwasalam Messenger of Allaah said:
"Verily, deeds that must be accompanied by faith." (Sahih al-Bukhari) Meaning intention here is that regardless of the intentions of the love of self and the world. The intention is purely for Allah Ta' he hath said: "Though they are not ordered except to worship Allah with obedience to Him purifies the (running) straight religion ..." (al-Masad: 5) alaihiwasalam Messenger of Allaah said, "God does not accept a practice except that pure, which is done only for HER. " (Narrated by Nasa'i of Abu Umamah) In a hadith Qudsi narrated, Allaah says, "I was an associate most do not need an alliance. Whoever does a deed then he joins me with the other, then I'll leave and abandon its allies. " In another narration: "Then he will become the property of his allies, and I am innocent of it." (Reported by Muslim - Ibn Majah) Then, the heart is the essence of humanity, as well as the pros and shaft damage. The Prophet said, "Indeed, in man there is a clot (heart), when the heart is good for both themselves and the entire human perbutan charity and when the heart is damaged then corrupted the whole self (the human deeds). Remember, it is the heart. " (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim from Nu'man Ibn Bashir ra). The heart / intentions sincerity and devotion to God is the center point of the view of God, as spoken by him, " Verily, Allah does not look to body and shape you, but He looks at your hearts "(Narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairah) the Qur'an explains that salvation in the hereafter, and the acquisition of heaven there can only be achieved by people whose hearts clean from polytheism, hypocrisy and diseases that destroy the liver. That is, those who only rely on God, as He has spoken through His prophets, Ibrahim al-Khalil as "Do not disgrace me on the Day of Resurrection. (It is) in the property and children are useless. Unless those those who approach God with a clean heart. " (as-Shuara: 87-89) "And it approached heaven on those who fear Him in a no distant (from them). This is what you were promised, (it is) for every one who turned (to Allah ), keeps (His rules). (they are) those who fear God, most gracious, unseen (by him) and he came with a repentant heart. " (Surah Qaf: 31-33) Safety of disgrace on the Day of Judgment was given only to the person who comes to Allah with a clean heart and comes to Him with a heart of surrender. It was narrated from Anas that there was a man who asked the Prophet, "When the apocalypse occurred Messenger of Allah?" He asked: "What have you prepared?" He replied, "I did not prepare much prayer and fasting, and charity, but I love Allah and His Messenger." He then said, "You will be with the person you love." "Someone will be with the person she loves." (Agreed Alaih) Love pure heart is one of the practices, which have a high position in the sight of Allah wa Ta Subhana 'style. A great scholar with humility, saying, "I love my righteous people even though I am not one of them., I wish I could get intercession (knowledge, and goodness) of them, ... and" I do not like of goods vices, though I equally humbled by the stuff. " " Whoever loves for Allah, is upset because Allah, give because God, resist giving because Allah has perfected his faith. "(Abu Dawud) Did not the Prophet said ," Surely someone finishes from his prayer and not recorded for him except a tenth of reward prayer, sepersembilannya, one-eighth, sepertujuhnya, one-sixth, one fifth, one quarter, one third, one-half "(Abu Dawud) " The difference is the degree of prayer in accordance with the difference of those who pray by kekhusyu'an and tadabbur (reading prayer) and any similar one of the things that bring the perfection of prayer "(Faidhul Qodiir 2/422) " those practices varied widely according to the different levels of faith and sincerity found in the liver. And there are two people who are in a row, but the difference will pray the prayer of the two of them so far between heaven and earth "(Minhaajus sunnah) of the Prophet صلی الله علیه و سلم said three times: " It would appear now to you the people of Paradise, " Abdullah recalled: "When I turned to go and then he called me and said, just deeds that you see, it's just that I do not find the feeling of envy (irritated) in my heart even to a Muslim and I never envy any one of the good الله given him" . and every night I pray and forgive those who have hurt me. 'Abdullah said, "This is the practice that leads you (the people of paradise), and this is what we do not afford." (Ahmad) Friends of the congregation, has beautiful manners good and peaceful heart. Be clear, honest, humble, forgiving, and full of Slavery and the love of Allah and His Messenger, is the heart that can deliver on the degree of glory in the sight of Allah. May Allah give mercy to our abilities and co , Aamiin. Wallahua'lam bishawab
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